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But have you heard it from me?

Have you heard of the way I feared again:

I feared a loss forever long

I feared reaching out so other will see,

Reach out, love me, and care for me

I feared caring for others because imminently,

Some will leave, depart eternally.

I feared reaching for those lost, selfishly

For if they`re not touched they`re gone to eternity

I feared knowing I tried all, gave all my love

And still it wasn`t enough ,

Still they choose another way

Meaningless and empty day after day.

More than all that I feared not loving

I feared hardening myself to the Spirit`s moving

For if I didn’t reach out, who will?

If I don`t sacrifice my heart, who will?

So I was waiting…

Waiting for the right time, but what time is the perfect time?

Stop waiting for opportune time and redeem

The time, because time goes by, and one day

We`ll run out

“It was never the right time”

Redeem ye the time, because the days are evil…

Evil in taking what we give away?

Evil in the sense that we throw it away?

Every moment is a time for reaching out,

An opportunity to touch, to heal, to help

This time it`s me begging you to use your time

I may be begging selfishly, desperately, wretchedly…

How long will you be silent

When God has sent you: His word, His swords,

How long will you be silent

When you`re called to win a war already fought

How long until time`s gone by?

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Poetry, Recent_Post_FrontPage


Did You meet him on a Damascus road with all Your awesome glory,
Or in the deadly silent nights when all he felt was lonely?
Did You call him louder than the games he played,
Or speak softer than the tears he cried?
Could You, in last of days, his heart invade,
Or did he live past You till the day he died?

Abba, will I get to see him in eternal grace,
Or will I evermore just remember his face?
Father, I cry in all of this
For never before I’ve felt eternal loss
My questions answered, but remain, I will
Hoping in You he’s found his fill

Better it is to have a life with You spent
But enough it is to be saved by the hairs on his head…

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Poetry, Recent_Post_FrontPage


There are these key things that break my heart

Every time they fall upon my ear

That, in our hospitals, lives have a cost

That, in our schools, children get lost

As I walk along the streets I lift my feet

To trample upon a chips packet here, and

A cigarette butt there…

I don`t throw my own out there

But there are people to pick it up

See, now they can have a job.

People throw garbage on our streets,

Claiming to create jobs for those it suits

Without thought of the stolen dreams

Of them underneath the sunbeams

As they`re stuck in the repeat

Of being trampled under our feet

Like the trash we walk over instead

Of simply bending down to lend

Our support to the development

Of another`s potential intent

Water-bearers and wood-carriers broken beneath

A burden needless for them to heave

If only we will carry them ourselves

This…burden on my heart

For people lost to our loveless acts

Our excuses that we can`t do anything

Our empty words, they don`t need that offering

Simply an act of love…

Simply an act of love…

And one day we will hear the names

Of those lost in the fray

Caught up in cleaning our mess

Stuck settling for less

Theirs could be the names

Called to honour because they

Took care of our sick

And defend our weak

They gave rest to our tired

Made our children inspired

They taught our children in schools

Showed them the wisdom of rules

They fought for rights of the oppressed

Lifted the burdens of the stressed

Their names called to honour

Lifted on a banner

But now…

They are stuck

Cleaning messed left

By people claiming to create

Jobs for the jobless

They are stuck

Picking up trash

That are tramped on

As we believe that trash…

Picks up trash…


I will no longer be walking on, over, past trash…

I am bending down, picking up, lifting the dreams

Of those left in our mess

So help me God

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage

Enchanting Phrases

I have these enchanting phrases dancing mesmerizing circles in the cavities of my mind, stories with lulling voices and entrancing rhymes that enrapture my mouth to sweet obedience as these words caress my tongue and spring to life in rechiless abandons.

Their acrobatics fill my brain with tales of splendour and majesty, encapsulating every moment with the sheen of pure magic where every sway and beat is caught in the pure chiming melody of a mind left to wander, set free to explore the depths and heights of syllable and expression left to make impressions on every willing ear, every mind left unguarded from surrendering to the bewitching adventure held prisoner by desire for control, lust for power, terror of change

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage

Moments Like These

It takes moments like these. Where I am alone within the crowd… there are the moments I remember missing you. I suppose it`s necessary, the loneliness. The crowd in which you aren`t reminder me to seek you, in which not a glimpse can be found… and where the slightest resemblance comes out, my heart beats wildly within me.. It is my soul calling out, or my flesh seeking comfort? Where do my priorities lie? Is it in the persistence of searching for you in all your depth and beauty, or is it flashing lights and glitter that catches my eye? Is my ear turned to the shepherd`s voices, or has my eye been caught by a branch held out by one who seeks to seduce me, pull me away from my first love? Sure, I`m not doing wrong, but my ear is deafened to His voice.

Where have my depths gone?

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage


Humanity craves the suffering they inflict
They cry out for help but don’t desire it
Martyrs they want to be in conflict
For accepting His help they aren’t fit

What is your stand, O you prideful one?
What legacy are you leaving behind?
Will people remember what you’ve done?
Is your “sacrifice” going to be kind?

Try as you will, but you can’t fix you
Your pain and your fear is larger
Than your desire to conquer in due
To face it with your Maker, I’d wager

What is your stand, O you prideful one?
What legacy are you leaving behind?
Will people remember what you’ve done?
Is your “sacrifice” going to be kind?

Set aside your pride and kneel at His feet
Cry out for help wholeheartedly there
He will give you the strength to beat
The fear, the hurt, the anger you bear

Your stand is strong, O humble one
Your legacy is love, your desires pure
They will remember not what you’ve done
But what the King has done to make you sure

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage


A father in his daughter’s bridal room
Overwhelmed with who she’s become
Her youth had passed in a zoom
Fear that he’s not needed makes him numb

A teacher watches her student graduate
She’s smiling, crying with pride
Remembering how long she’d had to wait
And the crazy roller coaster ride

A friend, that’s me, watching you succeed
Knowing we helped each other grow
And if me you no longer need
I will always love you so

A confusing mix of emotions
An alloy of pride and sadness
Common through all life’s habitations
Present in me, too, I confess

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage


There is nothing You hear clearer
Than the outcry and calling
Of those who to You draw nearer
Despite them falling and failing

If their hearts are pure and upright
And the hands they raise are clean
Their desires are precious in Your sight
For one-ness with You are what they mean

You are in the midst of them and theirs
For they long for the presence of Your holiness
And in their whispered and wailed prayers
They beg for the salvation of the lost and hopeless

Their intimacy with You surpasses understanding
For they’ve realized their need of You
To Your will they are always bending
For they know You will what is good and true

May I, O God, be one of those
Whose heart is in accord with Yours
Teach me, Almighty God of hosts,
To pray and open new doors

Show me how to surrender my all
To Your perfect plan and consuming grace
Let me, Father, submit to Your daily call
So that I may daily see Your face

May I not fear the words of others
For my focus is on Your healing
Open my eyes to brothers and sisters
Who are with me earnestly kneeling

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage


Kyk ‘n bietjie by ‘n venster uit
Jy hoef nie te sien wat jy eintlik sien
Kyk wat gebeur buite die venster ruit
Speel met jou verbeelding ‘n keer of tien

Kyk hoe Anna die boerseun soen
Hoe klik tant Miem se tong geanfronteerd
Kyk hoe lag oom Jan vir wat sy doen
Hoor hoe sê hy, “Dis tog nie verkeerd.”

Kyk hoe frons sy op vir hom
Hoe speel die glimlag om haar mond
Dan soen hy haar sommer stom
Kyk weg, voor hul sien jy’s hier rond

Kyk hoe speel die bure se honde
Hoe hap hul speels na mekaar
Hoe lag hul amper met hul monde
Hoe hul hulle liefde openbaar

Kyk hoe speel die seuntjies met ‘n bal
Hoe kom die seuns en pa’s dan later
Hoe lagdie seuntjies met elke val
Selfs al moet hul dan skoon kom later

Kyk hoe sit die meisies op die gras
Hoe speel hul met hul ma’s se hare
Hoe maak hul dit los en dan weer vas
Hoe versier hul dit met blomme en blare

Kyk hoe gesels die jonge dames
Hoe giggel hul as die seuns so speel
Hoe skerts hul of hul dapper of skaam is
Hoe droom hul oor hom wat hul hart gaan steel

Kyk die vreugde van ‘n normale dag
Hoe die liefde om elkeen draai
Hoekom sit jy hier binne en wag?
Jy’t ook liefde om te saai

Behind This Piece…

Posted in Other Pieces, Recent_Post_FrontPage


Ek sit in hierdie raserige vorm van stil-wees
‘n Stilte so diep, so wyd soos die see
Jou melodie ontbied my, herinner my aan kil-wees
Jou hartseer ontwaak my, bring die trane mee

Jou klag, jou pyn, laag en diep
Jou vrees en angs, hoog en ver
Die golwe wil my kalm boot tiep
My laat vlug soos ‘n skietende ster

Die pyn in jou oë skreeu uit
Dit roep om hulp heel desperaat
Dit forseer ‘n yster vuis om om my hart te sluit
Pyn, onbeskryflike pyn oor die defnitiewe haat

Dit bring ‘n gevoel van senuwees
Die bewings, rukkings, en hakkel-praat
Soos ‘n boek kan ek jou lees
Ek bid deur die aand, dis nie te laat

Ek weet ek het nie die krag om te red
Ek kan nie jou wonde een vir een genees
Maar ek juig om te weet Wie het
Ek pleit dan by Hom om by my te wees

Ek weet Hy sal my help om jou te wys
Hy het jou oneindig lief, nes jy nou is
Binne jou, stukkend of heel, is Hy tuis
Hardloop maar, kruip weg, Hy weet waat jy is

Jy hoor Sy stem, stil, soet, onder beheer
Jou seer kussing en kwaad kombers om jou
Jy probeer Hom uitdoof en Hom keer
Doof Hom uit, maar hoor Hom steeds nou

Hy sal jou trane een vir een vang
Hul hou vir die dag wat vreugde te veel raak
Vir ‘n tyd wat lag nie help, nόg sang
Maar Hy wag vir jou om die veg te staak

Behind This Piece…