Posted in Poetry


Emptiness of great proportions
Lengths of undivided silence
Daily going through the motions
Of living in independence

A limitless vocab’lary
Drifting through my restless mind
But those that come spontaneously
Leaves for much to be desired

Cognate fragments of confusion
All refuse to come together
To form an edifying key
To break from this never ever

The never ever will I know
Or the ever present ‘What if?’
The relentless ‘Do I allow?’
Next to the unfailing ‘As if!’

How do I handle the dire view
Of my brain’s infinite supply
Will it help to come back to You
Will You ever turn a blind eye

You, Yahweh, are the one answer
In a world of perplexity
And with disarray everywhere
You and I form a synergy

Behind This Piece…

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