But have you heard it from me?
Have you heard of the way I feared again:
I feared a loss forever long
I feared reaching out so other will see,
Reach out, love me, and care for me
I feared caring for others because imminently,
Some will leave, depart eternally.
I feared reaching for those lost, selfishly
For if they`re not touched they`re gone to eternity
I feared knowing I tried all, gave all my love
And still it wasn`t enough ,
Still they choose another way
Meaningless and empty day after day.
More than all that I feared not loving
I feared hardening myself to the Spirit`s moving
For if I didn’t reach out, who will?
If I don`t sacrifice my heart, who will?
So I was waiting…
Waiting for the right time, but what time is the perfect time?
Stop waiting for opportune time and redeem
The time, because time goes by, and one day
We`ll run out
“It was never the right time”
Redeem ye the time, because the days are evil…
Evil in taking what we give away?
Evil in the sense that we throw it away?
Every moment is a time for reaching out,
An opportunity to touch, to heal, to help
This time it`s me begging you to use your time
I may be begging selfishly, desperately, wretchedly…
How long will you be silent
When God has sent you: His word, His swords,
How long will you be silent
When you`re called to win a war already fought
How long until time`s gone by?